Saving the planet... one garment at a time!

... and one upcycle at a time... Welcome to my blog: A place to have an "over the fence conversation" about sewing, altered couture, upcycling, and all kinds of crafts using found objects, beads, ephemera and other vintage finds!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Your Opinion Needed!

Hi blog readers!  I am thinking about changing the design of my humble blog.  I am very conflicted about this. I admit to liking things to remain static and I'm not all about change... sometimes its even hard to rearrange a room!  So, I'm sincerely asking your opinion of my blog background, header and graphic elements.  Do you think Seams Sustainable needs some housecleaning?  Is it too busy?  Do you prefer blogs with white backgrounds and cleaner lines?  Do you like what you already see here?  I know I'm breaking several of the "laws" of blogging already, so bail me out.  I sincerely want and value your opinion.  Thanks!


  1. I love the feel of your blog - the background is very evocative of 'days gone by'. The only thing that I would change would be to have a larger graphic across the top - it looks as though it could be half as wide again because there is a double lined border that is not filled.

    Incidentally, on my iPad, the background of your blog is completely white. I can see the graphic at the top of the blog (with your blog name) with the double border that looks a little wide, but other than your blog elements (posts, blog archive, Pattern Review, etc) everything else is white. It is very clean - but in my opinion . . . a little boring!

    PS. On my laptop I can see all the lovely background graphics.

    1. Thanks very much for your help! I agree about the header graphic... I just have to figure out how to make it bigger! I also have the same issue when on my iPad... Anybody know how to fix that?

  2. Hi, I'm new to this blog, but I'll throw in my two cents anyhow. Yes, do change it because change is good, and it's good to shake yourself up a bit.

    As the above poster said, your graphic at the top is too narrow for the space. You can't really fix that because if you stretched it and forced it to fit, it would become distorted. You need to find out the exact dimensions of the space you want to fill, and make your image that size. (I'm sure Blogger provides that information somewhere.) Maybe a background of cloth texture and stitching would be fun.

    I'm a graphic artist, so if you need more advice feel free to hop over to my blog and contact me.

    1. Your two cents are just as important as anyone else's, so thank you for commenting! I'm experimenting with some changes and we'll see what comes up. I really like the current design - the colors, graphics and feel fit really well for me, but I also get what you are saying. I'll take a look at your blog, too. And thanks again for commenting!
